Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Am I failing on my new years resolutions?

So at the beginning of my Engl 101 class my lovely professor asked her class to make resolutions for the new year. I am a bit disappointing as my resolutions weren't as good as the resolution on my brother's TV is, and that isn't really impressing as his television screen isn't working. I had hoped that by this time of the year I'd be off the procrastination train and on the immediately train, but I'm still tangled in this web that is so sticky. Now on the other hand which is my right hand I have significantly improved on scheduling. I have now been able to map out my activities, but it seems that I'm still stuck in that dark ally waiting to come out and be free from the bondage of seeing the piece of paper and then being challenged by distractions. Making my timetable has come in very handy for my over the past few weeks and I seriously feel that I am improving in this area but making the time is a lot harder than just making the plan. I have always been in a never ending battle with time and it has often placed me in illusions where I think I have the upper hand or that I am winning, but slowly that illusion is coming to reality. I also wanted to learn more about the American school system as it is a bit more advanced that what I'm used to, so that I can not cause a lag in any of my classes; now I am wishing I did more research about that flu shot.  I feel that I am doing better where paying attention in classes is concerned; not sure if it's because I have a low number of friends in school here or because of a higher level of maturity which I highly doubt, but I no longer check my phone in class which is a big surprise and even though I am a very shy person I now find myself participating in productive class conversations more. All I need to do now in order to pass my classes is to just stop procrastinating, be a little more active in class, schedule a bit better and believe a little more.  


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog because you present some good points. I like your resolution and it has seemed to help you in a very beneficial way. I also like the point about procrastination. I thought I was never a victim, but ever since college I have noticed that it lives inside me. I am also working on being more disciplined, so that I may not fall for procrastination's evil ways.

  2. Great blog, I really enjoyed the humor. Seems as if you are headed in the right direction, and remember change will not happen overnight. I pray you feel better soon.

  3. Hi Zanjay,
    While reading your blog about keeping your resulotions this semester, made me realize that I am not the only one not able to keep up my resulotions this semester. It is true that it is easier said than done. It is still a struggle keeping up with all the work and it seems like there is not enough time of the day to get all the work done on time. However, we need to do the best we can to get it done. Thanks.
